Following the approval by the National Council, the Council of States recently approved a motion to promote research and development of negative emission technologies by the federal government. The motion was submitted by the Commission for Environment, Spatial Planning and Energy and recognizes the acute need for research and development in the field of negative emissions.
DemoUpCARMA contributes to develop technologies to achieve negative emissions and to test their scalability and feasibility.
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The Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN) recently agreed on a plan for carbon capturing at waste treatment installations. The agreement has been settled between the Federal Department of the Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications (DETEC) and Association of Swiss Waste Recycling Plant Operators (Verband der Betreiber Schweizerischer Abfallverwertungsanlagen VBSA).
With the new agreement operators of waste treatment plans are obliged to commissioning CO2 capture, storage, and utilization facilities by 2030. In general, the agreement pushes innovation of carbon capture and storage (CCS) technologies in Switzerland.
It is not yet defined, where to permanently store the sequestered CO2. Different options including the two pathways DemoUpCARMA is exploring are therefore under evaluation, showing the importance of our project in supporting future decision to achieve negative emissions.
Please find the full media release by DETEC here.
We are happy to announce that the DemoUpCARMA website is now available in a first version. It is still under construction. Soon more information, visuals, and project updates will follow. Stay tuned!